Event Tracking with Google Tag Manager

Google Tag Manager is a great tool that has a lot of opportunities for event tracking. If you are not familiar with this tool and have not used it before start with reading this article about basic concepts of Google Tag Manager. In this article, I will explain how to configure event tracking using Google Tag Manager easily.

An event can be sent to Google Analytics with any trigger. The most common case for event tracking is a click on some button or link.

Using Google Tag Manager for Tracking Configuration on Thrivecart

Thrivecart is used by many businesses for building their sales funnels. They have many useful opportunities for digital marketers. However tracking implementation on Thrivecart is a pain. Thrivecart do not officially support Google Tag Manager.

Here there is the documentation on how to implement Facebook pixel and Google Analytics on Thrivecart.

Discrepancy in Transaction Data between Google Analytics and Shopify. Some Random Shopify Transaction are missing in Google Analytics

Discrepancy in data especially in the revenue and transaction number is often an issue for the ecommerce sites that use Shopify. Shopify has a document where they list some possible reasons of this discrepancy https://help.shopify.com/en/manual/reports-and-analytics/discrepancies. However these explanations are not very helpful because they do not contain any practical advice on how this can be fixed.

Tracking Video Events with JWPlayer and Vimeo

Video tracking for Youtube videos can easily be configured with build-in Google Tag Manager triggers. But other video players are not currently supported. Fortunatly most of the popular video players have JavaScript API which allows to create listeners and push data about video player events to dataLayer.

JWPlayer Tracking

JWPlayer has very detailed API reference here https://developer.jwplayer.com/jw-player/docs/developer-guide/api/javascript_api_introduction/

Landing Pages Report Issues in Google Analytics

Landing pages report in Google Analytics helps marketers to evaluate the performance of different landing pages,to identify high converting landing pages, to find landing pages with inadequately high bounce rate or loading time, to find landing pages which are not mobile friendly and answer many more specific questions with data.

However there are some issues that can prevent or make it difficult to get useful data from the Landing pages report.

Using UTM-Marks in Facebook

It is always important for the marketers to track the source of the traffic in Google Analytics. It is a very easy thing to do if you promote with the help of the Adwords. In this case it is enough to link your Adwords and Google Analytics accounts and all the data about traffic source, impressions, clicks and costs will be automatically imported into your Google Analytics property. But it you advertise with the help of other systems like Facebook you should use utm-marks to attribute your traffic correctly.

Google Tag Manager Basic Concepts and Implementation Workflow

Google Tag Manager (GTM) is a free service by Google that is used to configure different analytics, conversion tracking and remarketing pixels (Universal Analytics tracking code, Facebook pixel, AdRoll pixel, etc.)

If GTM is not used all these codes and pixels should be added to the source code of the website. This approach makes it very difficult to implement the pixels (only technical team can do this), difficult to debug (tools are available only for few systems like facebook, twitter and bing) and difficult to update (source code changes are required).

Tracking implementation for Single page applications (SPA)

Single-Page Applications (SPA) become more and more popular. They are built using Ember, React, Angular, Backbone, Meteor or something similar.

Bad news about SPA is that adding default Universal Analytics tracking code to such applications will not result in having any valuable data in the Google Analytics account. The reason is that SPA does not generate any pageviews by defaults and pageview hits are not send to Universal Analytics. If no customization is applied to the analytics tracking code one will have sessions with only one pageview and extremely high bounce rate.

Troubleshooting Conversions Attribution Problems on Shopify Case Study

Conversions or transactions attributed to “direct” source is an issue for any digital marketing team. When you see direct traffic in your Google Analytics reports this does not really mean that all of these users came to your website from bookmarks or by typing your website url in browser (this happens very seldom indeed). It rather means that the traffic source could not be determined by Google Analytics or was lost while going through conversion funnel.

There are some widely-known cases in which Google Analytics cannot determine traffic source:

Analytics Tracking Features

Do you want to get most of your web analytics tools? Make sure that you do not miss any important data points that can contribute to understanding and optimizing your web usage.

Data points that are essential for most websites are listed below. All these data points can be send to any analytics system such as Google Analytics or Mixpanel.

Google Analytics Dashboards Tools, Products and Platforms

Dashboards organize your data in a meaningful way and turn it into a business tool that helps to keep an eye on KPI's and to point your business in the right direction. Custom dashboards make it possible to visually depict performance of a website, specific traffic source or a campaign at the desired level of detail.

There is a great variety of tools that can be used for dashboarding.
