Get notified on important critical significant changes in your Google Analytics data

You will get email notifications in the following cases:

Your Google Analytics View Stopped Getting Data

Hopefully this will never happen to your Google Analytics data. But just in case a code gets removed with the deployment or some filter is applied that prevent the data from flowing into your Google Analytics view.

Issues with Google Ads Traffic

Google Analytics has awaresome linking to Google Ads which makes possible to import impressions, clicks and costs data from Google Ads to Google Analytics without using any extra tools. This is a very reliable feature. But it happens that something goes wrong in Google Ads or Google Analytics and the data you are importing stops being useful.

Significant Changes in Critical Metrics

It happens that bounce rate suddenly goes up or down after a deployment. Or some referral starts sending a lot of traffic to your site. Or your business is being actively discussed on social media and social traffic is increasing.

Spam Traffic

There is nothing good in getting spam traffic. We will monitor any spam in your account.

Technical Issues and Site Performance

It happens that after a deployment page loading time increases or decreases, some of your pages get removed or new plugins cause enormous number of JavaScript errors. You will get a notification in all of these cases.

Rapid Changes in Desktop, Mobile and Tablet Traffic

Desktop, mobile and tablet traffic is monitored separatly on our platform and in case only once of these segments start growing or decrease you will get the notification about it.

Direct Sessions Rapidly Increase

Direct traffic is actually unattributed traffic. In order to make accurate data-based decision every web-analyst struggles to minimize it. In case it starts growing you will get notified in time.

Custom Notifications

There may be more specific cases that you need to monitor. We are ready to update our default configuration and add extra custom notifications for you.

Do you want to get notified on important changes in your Google Analytics? This will help you to keep your data accurate and free from spam.