Landing Pages Report Issues in Google Analytics

Landing pages report in Google Analytics helps marketers to evaluate the performance of different landing pages,to identify high converting landing pages, to find landing pages with inadequately high bounce rate or loading time, to find landing pages which are not mobile friendly and answer many more specific questions with data.

However there are some issues that can prevent or make it difficult to get useful data from the Landing pages report.

Using UTM-Marks in Facebook

It is always important for the marketers to track the source of the traffic in Google Analytics. It is a very easy thing to do if you promote with the help of the Adwords. In this case it is enough to link your Adwords and Google Analytics accounts and all the data about traffic source, impressions, clicks and costs will be automatically imported into your Google Analytics property. But it you advertise with the help of other systems like Facebook you should use utm-marks to attribute your traffic correctly.